Belfast Minor Skin Surgery

  • Cyst removal -only £299

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  • Mole removal

    Assessment, Diagnosis & Treatment

    From only £299

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  • Skin tag removal

    From only £199

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  • Lipoma surgery

    Lipoma excision from only £299

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  • Keratosis excision

    From only £199

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  • Aftercare

    Wound care, suture removal if required is included in the cost of the procedure.

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We offer a range of Minor surgery treatments from only £199 for skin lesions, in Belfast, Northern Ireland:
Cyst Removal, Mole Removal, Lipoma Removal, Seborrhoeic wart removal, Keratosis removal, Skin Tag removal

Got a question about Belfast Private GP minor surgery ? - See our Minor Surgery FAQs

1) Initial Consultation

 We can assess the skin lesion and decide on the best management for your case

Initial Minor Surgery Consultation costs only £59

Book MS -initial consultation

2) Procedure

All procedures are carried out under local anaesthetic

Competitive prices, vary depending on type of lesion - see prices


3) After Care

Any Follow up care and sutures that may need removed are  included in cost

Minor Skin Surgery Prices

Simple, Quick, affordable and easy online booking process.
Carried out by a local expert GP with specialist interest and skill in Dermatology and Minor Surgery
This includes an initial consultation and procedure.  Follow-up is included.

We offer a range of procedures with costs as follows:
Initial consultation and diagnosis                  £59
Mole excision                                                             £249
Seborrhoeic Keratosis (Seborrhoeic Wart) £199
Skin tag removal                                                     £199
Ingrowing Toe Nail surgical treatment        £249
Cyst (Pilar/Sebaceous Cyst)or Lipomas      £299*

We provide Histopathology for definitive diagnosis. This will be advised for most cases, especially moles, and incur a separate charge based on the laboratory fee. Usually £160

*Skin cysts and lipomas <3cm are priced at £300 
Larger lesions >3cm diameter will incur an additional fee. Quotes can be given at initial consultation or via online enquiry.
Book a Minor Surgery Initial Consultation
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