Contraception Choices

We offer the full extensive range of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives

Initial Consultation

Discuss what options suit you best             £89

*If necessary preparatory investigations will incur a further charge


Coil Questionnaire


Insertion*                    £249

Removal                      £199

Replacement*           £349


*Includes cost of the implant 

Book Contraceptive Choices Appointment


Insertion*                      £249

Removal                        £119

Replacement*            £299

*Does not include cost of coil which will be an additional cost depending on the device you choose

Long-Acting Contraceptive Choices

Our clinic can provide The full range of Long Acting Contraception available.

Coils including:
  • Mirena & Kyleena Intra Uterine Systems (Progesterone Hormone Impregnanted)
  • Copper Intra-Uterine Devices
Nexplanon (Contraceptive rod)
Depo-Provera Injections

We are happy to talk you through the choices 
Cost is £75
Book Contraceptive choices Appointment
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